170 project managers, speakers, and guests enjoyed two days of presentations and networking followed by master classes on day 3.
14th August:
The Symposium Day 1. Download the 2018 program.
Networking event in the trade exhibition.
15th August:
The Symposium Day 2. Download the 2018 program.
16th August:
Masterclass: Getting to done: the tools and techniques needed to successfully finish a project, Glen Alleman
Masterclass: Predicting project outcomes – Earned Schedule is just the beginning! Walt Lipke
Ben Du Bois & Mitch Pirie Kaye Remington The Walt Lipke award Uzi Rubin
Raymond Young being congratulated by Walt Lipke
In speaking order.
Patrick Weaver, Chair Organising Committee: Opening remarks.
Professor Satish Chand, UNSW Canberra School of Business: Welcome address.
Steve Shinn, Chief Financial Officer NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (USA): NASA Perspectives on Managing Big Projects: Sometimes project management is rocket science!
Damon Hancock, General Manager - Major Infrastructure Samsung C&T: The Challenges of Big Infrastructure.
Walt Lipke, USA: Lipke Award Presentation and Annual Lipke Address “The Earned Schedule Journey”.
Uzi Rubin, Senior Researcher in the Begin Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (Israel): Managing Developmental Projects for National Security: A Case Study of Israel’s Arrow Missile Defence Program.
Glen Alleman, Vice President Program Planning and Controls, Niwot Ridge LLC (USA): Getting to Done (and some Issues along the Way).
Dr Kaye Remington: Educating your Project Management Staff.
Kym Henderson / Professor Russell Kenley: Progress in International Project Management Standards
Loretta Bayliss, CEO, Prescience Technology: Implementing Effective Project Management Systems and Tools
Patrick Weaver, Chair Organising Committee: Closing remarks.
Dr Raymond Young, UNSW Canberra (Walt Lipke winner): Strategic management of the Defence S&T Portfolio: Are we there yet?
Dr Ripon K Chakrabortty (1*), Dr Alireza Abbasi (2) and Dr Michael J. Ryan (3) (Walt Lipke runner-up) Handling Uncertainties and Preparing for the Unexpected in Real-life Project Scheduling
Troy Allen, Munir Ahmed Saeed (Walt Lipke runner-up) Benefits Realisation Management Practices: Are they worthy?
Dr Keith Joiner, UNSW Canberra: Case Study in new Project Governance Quantitative Techniques.
Dr Bob Wylie, UNSW Canberra: Project Management for innovation: A Competence Perspective.
Prof. Russell Kenley Swinburne University: Project Governance by Project Micro-Milestones: Location-Based Micro-Milestones and pre-registered payment distribution.
CAPT James Nash RAN: A Navy Case Study – The Strategic Enterprise Approach to Combat System Development*.
Haydn Thomas, Mindavation Pty Ltd: Successfully Managing Sponsors.
Mario Paglia / Dr S Shalbafan: Optimize Project Performance with an Enterprise Portfolio Solution.
Glen Alleman (USA): Technical Performance Measures and Physical Percent Complete: Aids to Knowing When You Are Done.
Walt Lipke (USA): Managing out of Sequence Project Tasks.
Lynda Bourne: Information is Subjective. Knowledge is Creative.
Robert Bolton, BreakThrough Project Management: Combining Project Alliancing (PA) and Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM).
Mitch Pirie / Ben Du Bois: The Australian Government’s Infrastructure Investment Program: Governance Arrangements and Managing Project and Program Risks.
Air Commodore Terry Saunders: Big or Small: Managing Defence Projects.
Steven Bird: Integrated Project Controls – Climbing the Maturity Curve.
Raf Dua, Micro Planning International Pty Ltd: An Introduction to Project Scheduling & Peer Review of a Schedule.
Lou Vidotto, ACES: Project Controls metrics and the contribution to the Project Management process.
Patrick Weaver, Mosaic Project Services Pty Ltd: An Overview of Earned Value Management.