Dates: 6th & 7th May 2015
100 project managers, speakers and guests enjoyed two days of presentations and networking. The networking event at the ADFA Officers Mess built on the first day. During the closing remarks, 11 lucky delegates shared $600 worth of books donated by PMI and Mosaic Project Services.
Download a review of the symposium published in the USA based College of Performance Management's Measurable News.
If you missed on on the free books, there's more...... The following publications have been provided to delegates by our international keynote speaker Mr. Steve Wake, Chair of the Association for Project Management (UK) - for personal use only:
- Earned Value Analysis 8 (Steve Wake) - Protecting Profits. Controlling Costs, Integrating the
0rganisation, Transparently: Download the book.
- The Earned Value Management Compass (APM UK) - Measuring an organisation's ability to implement
Earned Value (Maturity model). Download the book.
- Interfacing Risk and Earned Value Management (APM UK) - Managing contingencies and reserves.
Download the book.
- The Scheduling Maturity Model (APM UK) - Measuring schedule maturity: Download the book.
Scroll down to see our speakers and download their presentations (below the photo gallery).
6th May:
The Symposium Day 1. Download the 2015 program.
Networking event at the ADFA Offices Mess
7th May:
The Symposium Day 2. Download the 2015 program.
Group Captain (Retired) Dr Keith Joiner. Kym Henderson, Yvonne Butler (AIPM),
Steve Wake (APM - UK) and Pat Weaver.
Delegates at Morning Tea.
Air Vice Marshal Chris Deeble. Belinda Robertson, One of the happy winners in our
Assistant Commissioner, ATO. book give-away!
Symposiums require a social gathering at which there is a free interchange of ideas,
ours is held at the ADFA Officers Mess.
International Keynote Speakers Roxanne Kelley - One Defence
Steve Wake (UK) and Sean Whittaker. .
One of the Symposium objectives is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge - Steve Wake (APM - UK) and
Peter Colquhoun visiting the Dept. of Defence on the 8th May.
The UNSW facilities are great for the audience and the speakers,
everyone has a clear view and is close to the speaker for interactive Q&As.
In speaking order.
* = presentation available for downloading.
Kym Henderson, Chair Organising Committee: Opening remarks*.
Prof. Michael O'Donnell, Head School of Business UNSW Canberra: Opening Address.
Air Vice Marshal Chris Deeble, DMO Program Manager - Joint Strike Fighter Division: A Best Practices Project Governance and Controls Framework Using Joint Strike Fighter as the Case Study*.
Mr Steve Wake, Chair of the Board, Association for Project Management (UK): Project Governance and Controls, The UK Perspective, Challenges and Initiatives*.
Ms. Yvonne Butler, CEO, Australian Institute for Project Management: Project Governance and Controls - The Australian Perspective, Challenges Initiatives and Opportunities*.
Mr. David Fox, General Manager, L&A Pressure Welding Pty Ltd: Applying Earned Value and Earned Schedule to a Manufacturing Environment*.
Mr. Sean Whittaker, Member PMI Board Volunteer Advisory Committee: Project Governance and Controls - The PMI Perspective, Challenges Initiatives and Opportunities*.
Ms. Roxanne Kelley, One Defence Implementation Office Lead: "One Defence", The Reasons For Change and the Way Forward focusing on the Challenges and Opportunities for the Defence Project Governance and Controls Community*.
Ms. Belinda Robertson, Assistant Commissioner, ATO Enterprise Portfolio Management Office: Right Projects, Right Way, Right Results*.
Ms. Deb Hein, CEO, ICCPM: An Overview of Complex Project Management and ICCPM Initiatives and Research*.
Valdi Gravitis, Director Enterprise Performance & Portfolio Management, NSW Office of Finance & Services: A NSW Government Project Portfolio Improvement Initiative*.
Group Captain (Retired) Dr Keith Joiner, UNSW Canberra at ADFA: Best Practices in Capability Delivery - Test and Evaluation*.
Kym Henderson, Chair Organising Committee: Closing remarks*.
Joe Campbell, Director - Sales Consulting, JAPAC EcoSys: Foundations for a Successful Project Controls System*.
Patrick Weaver, CEO Mosaic Project Services Pty Ltd: Stepping up to Governance, the development of ISO 21503*.
Raphael M. Düa, CEO Micro Planning International: The Case for Governance and Controls*.
Peter Colquhoun & Kym Henderson: Extending EVM & scheduling best practice metrics*.
Professor Russell Kenley, Swinburne University: Redefining the role for location in project controls.
John Smyrk, Visiting Fellow UNSW Canberra: The Project Governance Model*.
Patrick Weaver: Establish the Project Schedule*.
Kym Henderson: Establish the Project Baseline Integrated Baseline Review*.
Steve Wake: Project Control Metrics*.