Papers - Governance

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Governance Topics:

 - Governing organizations

 - Governing project, programs and portfolios

 - Ethics and sustainability

 - One Defence



Governing organizations

Leadership and Governance: are you steering or sitting in the back seat?  2023 Val Jonas.

We all agree governance is a good thing, but what does it mean in practice? While definitions of governance focus on oversight and control, today's volatile environment requires an increasingly agile, far sighted and risk-intelligent leadership approach. And that all points to a new focus for governance: steering. Does your leadership have their hands on the wheel? Are your stakeholders confident of the future? Is your program/project team on board? Join me to explore some practical ways in which we can apply an intelligent approach to leadership and governance.

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Multi-level governance in inter-organizational project networks. 2021,  Dr Ralf Müller 

Inter-organizational project networks are common in major programs involving governments and delivery partners working collaboratively. Management systems are typically designed as hybrid networks including hierarchical and non-hierarchical structures. This challenges traditional governance theories, which typically assume either a hierarchical or a network structure, but not a mix of it. This presentation will address the concept of MLG and provide empirical examples of its application to hybrid structures and the three organizational entities which provide the link between Type I and Type II governance in network structures.

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The Increased Importance of Project Governance and Controls in Lean Times,  2014,  Kym Henderson.

Project controls challenges with the Defence community. 
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The UK Perspective on the Approaches, Challenges, and Lessons Learned in Improving Performance of Major Projects at Individual and Portfolio Levels, 2016, Ms Geraldine Barker.

An independent and authoritative overview of the UK perspective and experience from the review of the Major Projects Authority undertaken by the presenter, on the approaches, challenges, and lessons to be learned in improving the performance of major projects at individual and portfolio levels.  
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The Finance Transformation Program,  2016,  Ms Jane Halton.

Speech to the Project Governance and Controls Symposium, by the Secretary of the Department of Finance, Ms Jane Halton AO PSM, Canberra, 12 May 2016. 
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Governance and Controls,     2013,    Patrick Weaver.

The interaction between governance, control systems and organisational maturity in the creation of value from investments in projects and programs. 
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Governing project, programs and portfolios

Predicting Completion - a Governance Requirement. 2023: Patrick Weaver.

Project controls are facing a dilemma, on one hand there is a strong push to make projects agile and adaptive, on the other the need for on time delivery, organisational reporting requirements, and the law of contracts require precision and certainty from project control systems. For a wide range of projects, traditional critical path scheduling (CPM) is no longer fit for purpose, a new controls paradigm is needed. This presentation outlines the challenges and a potential solution using WPM.

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Building a Culture of Agile Governance.  2022, Louise Gardner.

Organisations and ways of working are changing and adapting faster than ever before. The way we provide oversight and governance to projects is also being forced to change. How do make sure our program and project governance is fit for purpose in this new world? Robust, yet agile enough to support quick decision making. Detailed, but not bureaucratic. This presentation seeks to address some of the key factors in deciding how 'agile' project governance should be, and explores some of cultural elements that may be the key to picking the right point on the agile governance spectrum.

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Governance in Complex Projects. 2022, Rob McMartin. 

Projects have evolved to include a variety of different types in a multi-dimensional matrix including: - Simple to complex - Small to large - Traditional to agile. As these new project types have emerged and increased in difficulty, complexity and value, it has become obvious that the current systems, processes and governance requirements are now no longer suitable. This presentation looks at the differences in the new evolved projects, as well as techniques for managing, controlling and governing these projects. We will look at the definitions of the project types and governance and personal attributes required for delivery of the new types of projects.

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Complex Project Management Governance. 2022 Webinar, Rob McMartin. 

There has been an evolution occurring in projects and where once projects were difficult, but simple. They have now evolved to include a variety of different types of projects.
As these new project types have emerged and increased in difficulty, complexity and value, it has become obvious that the current systems, processes and governance requirements are now no longer suitable.

This presentation looks at the differences in the new evolved projects, as well as techniques for managing, controlling and governing these projects. We will look at the definitions of the project types and governance and personal attributes required for delivery of the new types of projects.

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Project Governance and Controls - the Customer Perspective,   2014,  Col Thorne.

A review of the DMO project controls environment and requirements. 
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Infrastructure Investment Program – Overview and Governance Arrangements, 2019, Phil McClure.

The Australian Government's $100 billion investment program is primarily delivered in partnership with the states and territories. This arrangement is governed through a package of legislation and individual agreements that address how and when projects may be approved, how the scope and costs of projects are developed, and they key requirements and milestones for delivering projects. The key components of this governance arrangement are the National Land Transport Act 2014, the Federal Financial Relations Framework and the National Partnership Agreement on Land Transport Infrastructure Projects, including its attached notes and cost estimation guidance. In this presentation Phil will discuss how these governance arrangements work in practice to ensure the Australian Government's policy objectives are met.
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Case Study in new Project Governance Quantitative Techniques, 2018, Keith Joiner.

This paper looks at why we need better quantitative test & evaluation techniques for project governance, the six-sigma test techniques used by U.S. DoD & major industries, and the building competencies in test design & analysis using the techniques.
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Governing Agile – The changing role of project controls in an ‘Agile’ environment,  2014,  Patrick Weaver.

Adapting traditional 'governance and controls' to support 'Agile' project developments. 
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2020 Webinar: A Practical Guide to implementing Complex Systems Governance Concepts on Projects, Chuck Keating.

The purpose of this presentation is to provide a hands-on experience for Project Management (PM) professionals for application of Complex System Governance (CSG) concepts. CSG is a new and novel approach to improve performance through purposeful design, execution, and evolution of essential system functions. These functions sustain project performance in the midst of external turbulence and internal flux. CSG addresses the 'messes' and 'wicked problems' that are the by-product of modern projects and continue to overwhelm PM practitioners. Application of CSG for PM is examined to:
(1) appreciate and map the complex environment faced by modern PM,
(2) discover sources of 'deep system' project failure modes that ultimately produce schedule delays, cost overruns, and missed performance targets,
(3) explore the 'systems' basis for those failure modes, and
(4) develop responsive and feasible systems-based strategies to preclude failure modes in the design, execution, and development of complex projects.

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Project Controls metrics and the contribution to the Project Management process, 2018, Lou Vidotto. 

The use of project control metrics in project management and project governance.
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A Best Practices Project Governance and Controls Framework Using Joint Strike Fighter as the Case Study, 2015, Air Vice Marshal Chris Deeble.

This presentation discusses the project governance and controls framework for the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF). The importance of the framework in enabling the achievement of successful outcomes from the strategic level down and the relevance of the governance and control considerations for projects and programs of all sizes and complexity is highlighted.  
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Stepping up to Governance, the development of ISO 21503,  2015,  Patrick Weaver.

The Governance of projects and programs to create value requires a holistic, integrated approach. This paper looks at the management challenges involved in moving from traditional ‘project management’ to the effective ‘management of projects’ and shows how the Draft International Standard ISO2503 can help achieve these objectives. 
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The Case for Governance and Controls,  2015,  Raphael M. Düa.

The effect of statutory provisions mandating continuous disclosure by listed companies and recent enforcement activity on the governance of projects, programs and portfolios.  
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The Project Governance Model,   2015,   John Smyrk. 

Effective project governance models support project success and enhanced organizational performance. This presentation introduces a project governance model with a particular focus on the role of the project owner.
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Project Governance and Controls, The UK Perspective, Challenges and Initiatives, 2015, Steve Wake.

Project and program management improvements initiatives being undertaken by the UK Government in which the APM is a major contributor and the ability of APM to confer chartered professional project management qualifications 
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Project Governance and Controls - The Australian Perspective, Challenges Initiatives and Opportunities,  2015,  Ms. Yvonne Butler.

Project and program management improvement initiatives supported by the PMI. 
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Project Governance and Controls - The PMI Perspective, Challenges, Initiatives and Opportunities,   2015,   Sean Whitaker.

Project and program management improvement initiatives supported by the AIPM. 
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Project Governance and Controls - the ANAO Perspective,  2014,  Dr. Tom Ioannou.

This presentation covers an outline of the ANAO’s role, structure and audit approach; a discussion of their general perspective on policy and project implementation, and includs lessons learned from some recent audits. 
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A Failure of Governance: InterCity West Coast Franchise (UK),  2014,  Louise Hart.

In 2012 the UK Government announced that it would award £5.5 billion InterCity West Coast passenger rail services franchise to First West Coast Limited. Virgin Trains, the ousted incumbent, successfully challenged the decision. This presentation explains what went wrong and the lessons that can be learned in the context of project governance and control. 
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How Project Failures Threatens the Board Room. Some Prevention Strategies – An Australian Perspective, 2018, Raf Dua.

A review of the role of governance in relation to the oversight of project and program management, and the importance of good governance information at the board level.
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Blue Poles: The Science and Art of Project Governance,  2014,  Brad Grey.

Using the painting as an analogy, this presentation explores the science behind project governance that turns chaos theory into control theory. 
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The Customer’s Perspective,     2013,     DCN, RADM van Balen.

The importance of effective project Governance and Controls in meeting the needs of the ‘customer’.
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Ethics and sustainability

2022: Project Management started off as a management innovation. Can it transition to meet the sustainability challenge? Shankar Sankaran.

Project management practices have evolved as the discipline grew from managing defence and engineering projects to delivering information systems, supporting organizational transformation, and managing megaprojects supporting national infrastructure needs. Thus, from starting as a tactical tool, project management grew to deliver organizational and national strategies. The next challenge for project management is to support the achievement of sustainable development goals to tackle societal challenges. How can it do this? In this talk we propose a way forward for project management to contribute to global sustainability by tracing the history of projects from prehistoric times to the 21st century. We outline the development of project management using the lens of socio-technical transitions to analyse technological niches developed to advance the field, and socio-technical regimes that have supported the development of project management to adopt these technological niches to meet changes that appear at the landscape level. By analysing the history of projects and project management, we argue that the discipline has continuously evolved as a transition innovation that can meet the challenges posed by sustainable development. However, further development of project management is needed to achieve that.

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One Defence

Force Structure Plan 2020 costing methodology and outcomes.  2021, Dr Anh Pham-Waddell.

FSP20 has implemented a transformative process in costing that involves using a consistent methodology and costing tool that provides comprehensive cost assurance. The new parametric methodology for cost estimation and assurance aligns with First Principles Review that Defence needs to have cost estimation that factors in both acquisition and sustainment. This
methodology has the outcome of improved accuracy and completeness for total cost of ownership. In continuing the best practices of FSP20 it has significant strategic importance to Defence and its project portfolio
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A View from the Function Lead in Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group, 2019, Stephen McDonald

The Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group (CASG) was formed following one of the recommendations of the First Principles Review (FPR). The FPR recommendation requires Defence to adopt more sophisticated contracting models to ensure that personnel in SPOs undertake predominately contracting, assurance, planning and governance activities, while industry partners focus on execution to support the delivery of capability.

Functions are responsible for the professionalisation of the CASG workforce to meet its changing business needs. They will provide training assistance, career progression advice and information on policies and procedures to support individuals (APS and ADF staff) to do their job.

This will result in a more flexible and mobile workforce that will be better equipped to support delivery of the Integrated Investment Program and future capability requirements.
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Cost Estimation – Building Better Practice, 2019, Chloe Kempster.

First Principles Review (FPR) (1 April 2015) highlighted improvements required in Defence on how costs are estimated, contested and managed. Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group (CASG) in the setup of Functions established the Project Controls Directorate under Program Management Function to improve all the disciplines of project controls (cost, schedule and risk).

*Assuring and enabling delivery of Defence Capability to the agreed scope, schedule, quality and cost.

*Providing competent skilled resources to enable ongoing Program, Project and Product delivery.

  • Establishing standardised approach to lessons learned, Pre Gate 2, Program, Project and Product Management to improve capability delivery.
  • Implementing standardised transparent Program, Project and Product performance management across the Capability Life Cycle to improve accountability, transparency and trust.
  • Providing trusted internal independent assurance and compliance services to ensure Programs, Projects and Products have appropriate oversight and guidance throughout the Capability Life Cycle

In being able to deliver against each of these initiatives this talk will focus on cost estimation and the improvements that are currently being delivered and the roadmap for the future.
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Big or Small: Managing Defence Projects, 2018, AIRCDRE Terry Saunders. 

An overview of the CASG project portfolio and management approaches.
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A Defence Perspective on Reform and Improving Project Performance,  2017,  CDRE Robert Elliott.

This presentation looks at the role of program sponsorship within the 'one defence' reform program and how the structure of accountability is enhancing program delivery and sustainment. 
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An Update on the First Principles of Defence Review Implementation Project,  2016, Ms. Roxanne Kelley. 

The First Principles of Defence Review Implementation project is approaching its first year anniversary. This presentation focuses on the achievements to date, lessons learned and the challenges which need to be overcome to achieve success on this very large and significant organisational change project.  
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Key opportunities to achieve best practice in capability development,  2016,  Dr Keith Joiner.

Recommendations from the Defence First Principles Review are wide-ranging but will in most instances be judged by the success of reform of capability development. This paper proposes two key measures on which to judge the early success of Defence’s capability development reforms. First, the author proposes the formation of an industry-standard program management office (PMO) to oversee the life cycle of all acquisition projects from inception to final operational capability as part of comprehensive and balanced programs. Second, the author proposes the creation of a robust centralised branch to manage all test and evaluation (T&E), so that all projects have credible test results that underpin the PMO’s decision-making throughout the development and fielding of new capabilities.  
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"One Defence", The Reasons For Change and Way Forward Focusing on the Challenges and Opportunities for the Defence and Project Governance and Controls Community,   2015,   Ms. Roxanne Kelley. 

First-hand insights into what the First Principles Review means for the future of project governance and controls and project management in Defence, including an overview of the reasons for the now accepted recommendations for change.  
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