2021 - Canberra Rex Hotel

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The 8th Symposium was an outstanding success! The three-day program consisted of keynote presentations, plenary and concurrent sessions, masterclasses, and networking opportunities. With a focus on ways to build the foundations needed to create project and program success, 30 speakers shared their expertise in areas such as Defence and Major Projects, Project Governance and Controls, and Research and Innovation. The presentations were enjoyed by 72 in-person attendees and 320 virtual attendees. 

The symposium theme: 'Foresight is more valuable than hindsight!' was designed to help project and program managers, and their sponsors and senior managers, develop the skills and understanding needed to deliver projects success in the next decade.  The hybrid format meant face-to-face delegates had access to all of the content live in the venue as well as the virtually on demand for 6 months after the event.  Virtual delegates had access to and were able to participate in the live plenary sessions, and view the content on demand for 6 months after the event.


2021 Webinar Series 

Click through to the 2021 lunchtime webinars


Symposium Program:

10th August:

The Symposium Day 1. Download the program.

Networking event in the trade exhibition.

11th August:

The Symposium Day 2. Download the program

12th August:

Masterclass: Ms Val Jonas - Leading the way on risk intelligent decision making (risk vision, framework and engagement).  

Masterclass: Glen Alleman - Strategies to detect, prevent, and correct causes of project stress and failure.  

Masterclass: Professor Charles Keating - A practical guide to implementing Complex Systems Governance concepts on projects.  


August - February 2021 - Free access to the recorded presentations for all Symposium delegates.


Photo Gallery:

2021 Collage.jpg 2021 was a hybrid event for both speakers and participants

            Morning Tea                                       Dr Ralf Müller (Norway)                                         Networking
                                                                         Walt Lipke Award Winners with Hon. Andrew Gee MP. 
  Mr Mark Purcell                         Roksana Tumpa (winner)                                                         Munir Saeed       Li Guan



In speaking order - download the available PowerPoint presentations via the links below.

Key Note and Plenary speakers:

The Hon Andrew Gee MP, Minister for Veterans Affairs and Defence Personnel: Welcome address & Walt Lipke Award presentation.

Patrick Weaver, Chair Organising Committee: Opening remarks and PGCS update.

Mr Oliver Baker, Submarine Delivery Agency,  Ministry of Defence, UK: Suppliers – Harmonising the Relationship

Mr Shane Fairweather, First Assistant Secretary Rotary, Aerospace and Surveillance Systems, CASG: Managing for Delivery: Insights from a Senior Leader on program management and controls

Dr Ralf Müller, Professor of Project Management, BI Norwegian Business School, Norway: Multi-level governance in inter-organizational project networks.  

Mr Mark Purcell, Retired Navy RADM,  Former Head of Maritime Systems Division and an Engineering Officer: The real-world importance of effective project governance and controls – a combined Defence and Defence industry perspective

Ms Stacey Wehmeier: Day 1 Close

Ms Loretta Bayliss, Group CEO Prescience Group: The future of project controls in an integrated world, BIM and beyond

Ms Mandy Hill, Senior Program and Project Manager, Program Delivery Advisor,  Synergy Group Australia: Knowing how and when to apply an Agile approach

Mr Glen Alleman, Integrated Program Performance Management, USA: Strategies to detect, prevent, and correct causes of project stress and failure.

Ms Roksana Jahan Tumpa, PhD Candidate,  Central Queensland University Australia & Walt Lipke Award winner: Developing employability attributes of higher education project management graduates: a scoping review

Mr Jonathan Jacobs, Director  TBH: Enterprise Portfolio Management: What good looks like based on TBH's cross-sector experience

Mr Ciril Karo, Group Business Manager, Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group (CASG): Conference summary and the way forward

Kym Henderson, Chair Organising Committee: Closing remarks.


Defence and Major Projects Stream

Mr Andrew Butt, Deputy Director Divisional Controls (Cost & Schedule Estimation),  SHIPS Division, CASG: Joint Confidence Levels – combining project control artefacts to inform decision making

Mr Andrew Goodwin, Earned Value Management Lead, CASG: An update on the significant developments in integrated project controls, EVM and project reporting within and external to CASG

LCDR Victoria Jnitova, PhD Student,  University of New South Wales & GPCAPT Adrian Xavier, Director Strategy, Performance & Governance,  Air Force Training Group: Measuring RAAF training system resilience using survey instrument.

Mr Sandeep Mathur, Director - Active Transport,  Transport NSW: Using Data Science Initiatives to deliver smart infrastructure and improve customer experience – a Transport for NSW case study.  


Project Governance and Controls Stream

Mr Chris Carson, Enterprise Director of Program & Project Controls & Associate Vice President, Arcadis, USA: The path from good project scheduling to implementing Advanced Work Packaging

Dr Anh Pham-Waddell, Director Force Structure Cost Analysis, Force Design Division,  Australian Defence Force HQ: Force Structure Plan 2020 costing methodology and outcomes

Mr Walt Lipke, USA: Earned Schedule – application of the To Complete Schedule Performance Index

Ms Meri Duncanson, PMO Manager  EOS Australia: Lets re-examine how Agile is EVM.


Academic Stream including the Walt Lipke finalists

Ms Li Guan, Walt Lipke Award runner upPhD Candidate,  University of New South Wales : Modeling risk interdependencies to support decision making in project risk management: analytical and simulation-based methods

Mr Munir Ahmad Saeed, Walt Lipke Award runner up, Lecturer, College of Business Management,  Canberra Institute of Technology: The role of benefits owner in effective Benefits Management

Mr Patrick Weaver, Managing Director, Mosaic Project Services Pty Ltd: The origins of Earned Value Management


Research & Innovation Stream

Dr Yongjian Ke, Senior Lecturer,  University of Technology Sydney: Social media use in project management – an exploratory study of multiple transport projects

Dr Jan Drienko, Manager,  Synergy Group Australia: Operational issues in workforce management and their fit within the broader strategies in light of new challenges in internal and external labour markets

Mr Danny Carroll, General Manager,  Academ & Dr Darral Thompson, Adjunct Fellow,  University of Technology Sydney: Integrating capability development: alignment of staff and organisational goals using software