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2022 Keynote: Standardisation and informed insights through effective collaboration.
An estimate will always vary due to its subjectivity and the variability of future outcomes. We are often distracted by attempting to wield variables outside of our control and it's about time to accept these limitations and focus on the ones we do have some measure of influence. Whilst high uncertainty is often considered high risk, we can embrace the variabilities to help make informed decisions. Starting with simplification, standardisation and collaboration, we are less likely to repeat mistakes, leaving more opportunities to innovate. A focus on developing People, Processes and Data, concertedly.
2014: Governing project / programme / portfolio performance and ROI.
Designing a blueprint Portfolio, Programme, Project Management Office structure and implementing the blueprint into your organisation, resulting in greater programme, project success and measurable ROI. Download the presentation.
2016: How to Turn Project Controls Data Into An Executive Level Presentation.
Project Controls is one of the most important aspects to supporting project success. The data consumed and information produced is vitally important for making the best possible decisions by those who lead us through the complex world of project delivery. However, all too often the voice of project controls is not heard clearly by those in the top positions. Melinda spoke about the challenge of bridging the gulf between raw project controls data and the executive view, what the executive perspective is on projects and project information and how Telstra is building the bridge that will ensure that our executive decisions on projects are able to use evidence derived from project controls data. Paper witheld from publication.
2021: Force Structure Plan 2020 costing methodology and outcomes.
FSP20 has implemented a transformative process in costing that involves using a consistent methodology and costing tool that provides comprehensive cost assurance. The new parametric methodology for cost estimation and assurance aligns with First Principles Review that Defence needs to have cost estimation that factors in both acquisition and sustainment. This
methodology has the outcome of improved accuracy and completeness for total cost of ownership. In continuing the best practices of FSP20 it has significant strategic importance to Defence and its project portfolio.
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2014: Reinventing Project Communication: How to Design, Lead and Manage High Performing Projects.
Book review. Download the presentation.
2022: Making the Schedule Great Again.
Again In 30 years working in projects there have been many change but some glaringly consistent constants:
- There are not enough good planners and schedulers (and no one seems to be creating new ones anymore).
- The project Schedule is often not used by the Project Manager to manage the project.
- Clear and effective communication is even more important now than ever.
In this presentation I hope to address some of these issues, by sharing my experiences and lessons learned through training people to be great schedulers and planners, who can communicate the schedule effectively to all levels of Project Management.
2016: The Challenges of and Potential Solutions to Scope Definition Issues on Complex Projects.
This presentation explores some of the vexing problems in defining scope on complex projects, including the Richardson Effect, which found in measuring coastlines that the smaller the ruler, the longer the resulting coastline. As we try to bound project scope in more and more detail, could we be victims of the Richardson Effect, increasing the effort and schedule without limit?
The presentation will explore the possibility that there may be many different answers to a project scope boundary and how we can extract projects from the problems created by issues of scope definition. Download the presentation.
2019: Design Structure Matrix based Modular Analysis and its Applications
Modular analysis is a mean to manage complexity in system design processes in order to achieve competitive advantage. It identifies highly interactive groups of components and/or functions which can potentially form good modules. Among various modular analysis approaches, Design Structure Matrix (DSM) method has proved to be an efficient matrix-based modelling and modularity analysis approach. It is a highly flexible, network modelling method with extensive applications in engineering management and many other fields.
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2022: Blackbox & Whitebox Estimating Techniques – Tips, Tricks & Pitfalls
During the Capability Life Cycle (CLC) we estimate using a mix of black-box and white-box techniques. The mix and balance of white-box/black-box technique is dependent on the knowns, unknowns, CLC phase and purpose of the estimate. On one side of the spectrum, the ultimate estimate utilises a complete white-box technique based on a known scope linked to validated requirements, verified quantities and contracts underpinned by a complete Project Documentation Suite that is supported by documented project information and objective quality evidence (OQE) records. On the other side of the spectrum is a complete black-box estimating technique based on concepts and system-solution-class description parameter thresholds. This presentation highlights some key tips, tricks and pitfalls and guidance on how to balance an appropriate mix for your estimating needs. The tips include problem space abstraction methods. The tricks include how to derive figures of merit to quantify systems and life cycle cost effectiveness differentiators. The pitfalls include lessons learnt through experience of applying each of these methods in practice.
2023: Application of 4D BIM in project controls for construction management
Project controls are crucial in construction management, particularly for large-scale projects, where numerous intricate tasks require precise coordination and monitoring. With the advent of Building Information Modelling (BIM), the construction industry has witnessed a significant shift in how projects are planned, executed, and controlled. Integrating time (the fourth dimension) into 3D BIM, commonly called 4D BIM, has opened new avenues for efficient project control, enabling real-time monitoring, advanced scheduling, and better risk management. This presentation examines the application of 4D BIM technology in project controls within the construction industry, leveraging two comprehensive case studies. The first case study presents a high-rise building project in Sydney, where 4D BIM was used to simulate construction sequences, optimise schedules, and identify potential conflicts. The second case focuses on a complex infrastructure project involving multiple stakeholders, where 4D BIM facilitated improved communication, collaboration, and decision-making. Through these case studies, the presentation underscores how 4D BIM can provide a comprehensive view of the project, enhance understanding of project sequences, and lead to more informed decision-making. The presentation concludes by discussing the prospects of 4D BIM in project controls and potential areas for further research and development.
2019: Utilising Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Project Controls
Utilising of AI/ML technology in project Controls will be done in 2 stages;
1. historical data for similar projects in a different discipline; collected from As-Built Model, including 4D and 5D data and the validated previous stored projects' data.
2. Current project cost/time performance considering expected risks (EVM calculation with a risk factors algorithm), to predict real-time monitoring for time and cost at completion during the delivery stage.
The methodology of building ML application for any project will be the same as the following steps
1. Collect Date (depending on the project discipline, Business intelligence application to be used in data analysis)
2. Develop Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm "MOGA" for CPM analysis and EVM calculation with Risk Factors
3. Train Model / Supervise learning (Neural Network to be considered)
4. Deploy Model / get the data back to Maintain and update the model
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2018 Keynote: Educating your Project Management Staff.
How do we better educate and prepare project managers, team members, sponsors, and others, to more effectively deliver complex projects within acceptable bounds of stakeholder requirements?
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2014: Lessons Learned from Federal Agency Reviews of Capital Acquisition Programs and GAO Improvement Initiatives in the USA, 2014, .
A review of the implementation of high quality project controls by the USA Government Accountability Office, including the GAO Cost and Schedule Guides. Download the presentation.
2023 Webinar: Estimation - creating the balance between precision and uncertainty.
Estimates need to be viewed from two sides, the requestor, and the creator. All too often there are misunderstandings or mismatched expectations between the two sides, resulting in estimates that do not meet the intended purpose. Building an understanding of how estimating works enables more constructive conversations between the two sides and naturally leads to better estimates. Using a mix of theory and real-life examples, the presentation will cover the following topics:
(1) Basic differences when estimating in an agile environment
(2) Choosing the right estimating style – why and when
(3) Dealing with uncertainty and risk
(4) How to present an estimate.
After viewing the webinar, participants will be better positioned to engage in developing and presenting quality estimates for their projects. Click through to view the webinar.
2015: Right Projects, Right Way, Right Results – A Case Study on Building Project and Portfolio Management Capabilities in the Australian Taxation Office.
The ATO's journey from output to outcomes thinking, including the cultural change within the ATO - moving from uncoordinated, organisational unit focused project demand to a strategically driven portfolio prioritised to deliver business value and the Reinventing the ATO outcomes.
2022: Designing success in a national change program
The John Howard "Seamless National Economy" included several transport reforms. This exploration of the maritime regulation reform will describe the challenges that were faced by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) during this program of change in the years 2011-2015. The aim being to deliver a single national approach to maritime regulation, while also rethinking how previous State laws would transition to a State-based implementation of a national regime.
2018 Keynote: Managing Developmental Projects for National Security: A Case Study of Israel’s Arrow Missile Defence Program.
Following the Iraqi missile attack on Israel during the 1991 Gulf War, the IMoD established a missile defense program office (IMDO) and authorized the development of an early warning/fire control radar. This presentation looks at the challenges of developing the Arrow Missile System.
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Realizing benefits form change
Offers a practical guide to greater value creation. Get inspiration on how to get started with benefits realisation, and a different view on change projects, you will be introduced to a number of key points from the book "Benefits Realisation: The Change-Driven Approach to Project Success. It is a new approach to change projects where you let benefits realisation define the project and its direction and link it to behavioural change – the decisive factor of benefits realisation.
2022: Leading Successful Change Projects
Too often expensive business change and transformation projects only realise a fraction of the expected benefits. Companies might manage to build a new IT system or process, but that is not enough. To be successful employees also have to change their ways of working to avoid ending up with another benefit-free project. The benefits realisation method presented at the event is based on the new book Benefits Realisation: The Change-Driven Approach to Project Success (Wiley 2022). The method shows how to create lasting, real-world impact by helping you to succeed in changing behaviour and creating value. The practical approach to greater value creation. With this new approach to change and transformation projects we let benefits define the project and its direction and link it to behavioural change – the decisive and triggering factor for benefits realisation. The process and the IT system are essential, but they are only part of the means – not the goal. A broader view on change projects The benefits realisation method adds an additional layer to our current technically focused projects. A layer that contains a structured and practical approach to benefits realisation and change. This also means that we, the project managers, program managers and business executives need to change our ways of working. The key to success is to make change as easy as possible. At the event you will get
• An introduction to how to create more value in your projects
• Illustrative case examples that bring the method to life
• Access to cases, tools, templates and videos to get you started.
2022 Webinar: Benefits Realisation and Change: Realise your benefit potential by using a structured approach to change.
Rasmus is an author, speaker and renowned expert within benefits realisation and organisational change. His expertise and three books on the subject have helped a wide variety of companies and public organisations realise their benefit potential. Since 2013, he has been part of Implement Consulting Group as a partner, consultant and advisor. Before joining Implement, Rasmus worked for 10 years as a project manager, program manager and people manager. Rasmus has a master's degree from Aarhus University.