Papers - Agile Project Management

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Agile Topics:

 - Agile Overview

 - Controlling Agile




Agile Overview

Building a Culture of Agile Governance. 2022: Louise Gardner.

Organisations and ways of working are changing and adapting faster than ever before. The way we provide oversight and governance to projects is also being forced to change. How do make sure our program and project governance is fit for purpose in this new world? Robust, yet agile enough to support quick decision making. Detailed, but not bureaucratic. This presentation seeks to address some of the key factors in deciding how 'agile' project governance should be, and explores some of cultural elements that may be the key to picking the right point on the agile governance spectrum.

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Adapting Systems Engineering from Waterfall to Agile.  2023 Keynote, Gordon Kranz.

Agile methods are being used in all aspects of business and government to address the rapid change in the business and social environment. Historically systems engineering practices were used to help understand and define the problem before teams would start implementing solutions. Today changes in the need happen so rapidly the time to understand, define, and implement solutions needs to short and resilient to change. Based on the presenter's work, with NDIA and USA government agencies, this presentation will discuss how systems engineering is not only still relevant but is even more important in an Agile world, and highlight emerging best practices for using SE on Agile projects.

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Governing Agile – The changing role of project controls in an ‘Agile’ environment.  2014: Patrick Weaver.

Adapting traditional 'governance and controls' to support 'Agile' project developments. 
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Knowing how and when to apply an Agile approach. 2021: Mandy Hill.

This presentation outlines a road map for navigating the complex decisions needed to balance a fully agile approach with the need to work within prescribed budgets. These insights are based on successfully delivering many projects across government navigating between a prescribed agile approach to project delivery, and the Government's push for the delivery of value.. 
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Controlling Agile

Estimation - creating the balance between precision and uncertainty. 2023 Webinar, Barbara Roberts.

Estimates need to be viewed from two sides, the requestor, and the creator. All too often there are misunderstandings or mismatched expectations between the two sides, resulting in estimates that do not meet the intended purpose. Building an understanding of how estimating works enables more constructive conversations between the two sides and naturally leads to better estimates. Using a mix of theory and real-life examples, the presentation will cover the following topics:

(1) Basic differences when estimating in an agile environment

(2) Choosing the right estimating style – why and when

(3) Dealing with uncertainty and risk

(4) How to present an estimate.

After viewing the webinar, participants will be better positioned to engage in developing and presenting quality estimates for their projects. Click through to view the webinar.


PredAptive delivery: Predictive + Adaptive. 2023, Alex Lyaschenko.

Predictive and adaptive project delivery approaches have their own set of advantages and challenges, leading organizations to explore a hybrid model. This presentation investigates the effectiveness of hybrid project delivery in mitigating existing drawbacks and identifying potential new challenges. While some project management experts argue that debates between Agile and Waterfall delivery are irrelevant and all projects are inherently hybrid, the significance of hybrid projects comes into question. However, the consensus remains that all projects require agility. The integration of Waterfall and Agile methodologies into a hybrid approach goes beyond a simple combination of methods and techniques. It necessitates the adoption of fresh philosophies, standards, and tools. Predaptive delivery requires an effective solution to address the complexities of dynamic and unpredictable environments, as well as the demands of the competitive labour market. It achieves a balance between predictability and adaptiveness, optimizing value creation while navigating these challenges. To uncover innovative strategies for enhancing project portfolio delivery, it is vital to delve into the fundamental elements of project management DNA. This includes understanding the distinct characteristics, complexities, and uniqueness of projects, as well as identifying the most critical challenges within project portfolios that require resolution. By exploring these foundational aspects at a profound level, new insights and approaches can be uncovered to improve project portfolio performance, leveraging AI-based methods and tools.

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Integrating Project controls with Agile development. 2022 Keynote, Gordon Kranz.

The pace of technology deployment is offering new opportunities and challenges for both commercial and government organizations. Commercial companies are trying to stay ahead of the competition, and government organizations adapting to the changing global economy and threats. Agile development methods are providing mechanisms to address these emergent and everchanging problems. We will discuss issues project controls professionals have with defining a baseline plan and tracking progress on Agile projects. Agile is a disciplined set of methods that should offer transparency with planning, status, and program objectives. If Agile methods are done correctly the plan, progress, and retrospective is clear. Understanding and mapping Agile methods and artifacts to traditional project controls is critical to being able to manage Agile programs.

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Masterclass: Integrating Agile with project controls on major projects


Lets re-examine how Agile is EVM. 2021: Meri Duncanson. 

This presentation is an interactive re-examination on how Agile and EVM can work together to uplift project performance and boost project analysis and forecasting. Giving an overview of both Earned Value Management and Agile methodology and using real world examples and scenarios, showing how the two approaches to managing projects can be melded into an effective framework focused on delivering quality outcomes for both the customer and the business.
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Controlling Agile, 2019, Patrick Weaver. 

Is choosing an agile development methodology an invitation to anarchy? This session will canvass the options available to provide the 'gentle touch' needed to retain effective control whilst allowing the delivery team to be agile and creative. Agile is now a core component of the PMBOK® Guide and Practice Standard for Scheduling 3rd Ed. Based on these standards (and others) Patrick Weaver will look at the interface between Agile and 'traditional controls'.
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