2020 - Virtual Events

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PGCS 2020 was cancelled in response to the COVID-19 pandemic

To replace our face-to-face event a series of webinars were developed with the support of CASG and the Defence Program and Project Management Community. The webinar series continued into 2021. 

To participate in future webinars click here.


2020 Lunchtime Webinar Program:

  1. The art of Risk Intelligence and 20:20 Decision Making - Val Jonas
  2. A Practical Guide to implementing Complex Systems Governance Concepts on Projects - Chuck Keating 
  3. Increasing the Probability of Program Success - Glen Alleman 
  4. True Innovation is Successful Implementation of Lessons Learned - Chris Carson 


September 2020

The art of Risk Intelligence and 20:20 Decision Making

Val_Jonas.jpgVal Jonas CEO Risk Decisions Group, UK

Few successful organisations get to the top by making poor decisions. Even fewer stay there by luck alone. So what is 20:20 decision-making and how does risk intelligence come into it?

We first need to understand decision making: the weighing up of options, the positives and negatives, the alternatives. Then we consider the context, desired outcomes and expectations. We throw in some conflicting personal and business objectives. Then we add some complexity and interdependencies. Now stir it all up in an ever faster-moving world. What do we have? The perfect recipe for disaster!

In this presentation, we explore how to nurture risk intelligence in our organisations, from the top down, from the middle out, from the bottom up. By establishing risk vision, risk connectedness and risk engagement, we can turn risk from an unwanted foe to a welcome friend - a powerful force for good. Risk intelligent organisations navigate the future purposely, through sound decision-making that drives innovation, efficiency, effectiveness and successful outcomes.

So let's make sure that, in the future, we look back on 2020 as the year we acquired 20:20 vision, by becoming risk intelligent decision-makers."


October 2020

A Practical Guide to implementing Complex Systems Governance Concepts on Projects

Keating, Charles (Better Pic).JPGChuck Keating, Director for the National Centers for System of Systems Engineering, Old Dominion University, USA

The purpose of this presentation is to provide a hands-on experience for Project Management (PM) professionals for application of Complex System Governance (CSG) concepts. CSG is a new and novel approach to improve performance through purposeful design, execution, and evolution of essential system functions. These functions sustain project performance in the midst of external turbulence and internal flux. CSG addresses the 'messes' and 'wicked problems' that are the by-product of modern projects and continue to overwhelm PM practitioners. Application of CSG for PM is examined to:
(1) appreciate and map the complex environment faced by modern PM,
(2) discover sources of 'deep system' project failure modes that ultimately produce schedule delays, cost overruns, and missed performance targets,
(3) explore the 'systems' basis for those failure modes, and
(4) develop responsive and feasible systems-based strategies to preclude failure modes in the design, execution, and development of complex projects.


November 2020

Increasing the Probability of Program Success

Glen Alleman.jpgGlen Alleman, Integrated Program Performance Management, USA

This presentation provides a rare opportunity to learn from the latest United States research on the primary causes and contributors to project stress and failure and the latest strategies and tools and techniques which can be implemented to prevent and correct these issues, significantly improving the probability of successful project delivery outcomes.

The foundation of this masterclass is research, principles, and practices developed at the US Institute for Defence Analyses, a Federally Funded Research and Development Centre (FFRDC) which analysed root causes of project and program stress and failure for US Department of Defence programs. While this research informs the policy advice provided to the US Defence Department Office of Performance Assessments and Root Cause Analyses (PARCA) focused at improving the probability of project and program success, the lessons learned can be applied to all projects and programs across government and industry.


December 2020

True Innovation is Successful Implementation of Lessons Learned

Chris_Carson.jpgChris Carson,  Associate Vice President, ARCADIS, USA

As the Enterprise Director of Program & Project Controls for the national Technical Knowledge & Innovation (TKI) group at Arcadis, the presenter pursues the TKI mission to, "Create the world-class solutions that drive market demand" and "Drive the continual evolution of our capabilities & catalyze collaboration."

Mr. Carson has found that the best way to drive innovation is to identify the true goals for programs and projects and study the lessons from project successes, industry studies, and dispute resolution that demonstrated how best to meet the project goals. These goals are varied across the project stakeholders; with the Owner wanting, not on-time and on-budget performance, but no-surprise results that align with the original asset performance needs, and the Contractor wanting, not just profit, but a controlled process with financial and reputational success. This presentation will demonstrate the most successful way to organize and manage programs and projects through a collaborative culture of leading-edge project controls planning and execution throughout the program or project life-cycle.

This session will provide the detailed roadmap that every Owner and Contractor should follow, and support the map directions with several case studies of actual projects, as well as identification of symptoms that provide key performance indicators to ensure the mapped path is followed.